Service & Maintenance

Keeping your investment moving

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Flexible service solutions

A comprehensive set of flexible service solutions ranging from scheduled service to conditional monitoring helps you get the maximum yield.

Content Basic Business First Partner
Scheduled Maintenance Consumables Optional
Manpower (incl. traveltime) Optional
Unscheduled Maintenance Manpower (incl. traveltime) Optional
Spare Parts (Main Components excluded) Optional
Surveillance 24/7 Optional Optional
Availability Warranty 97% Optional Optional
Main Components Included Optional

Services & benefits

We’ve got you

Our history and strong presence in Denmark, Sweden, Germany and France means we can work closely with you to address your local needs, both in these countries and in others across Europe where we have worked. This strong network of local service stations has given us an understanding of how to offer flexible wind turbine services best suited to local conditions, such as political agendas, compliance and geographical topology.

Service contracts

You’ll benefit from best practices extracted from 30+ years of success working closely with technicians and owners of wind farms throughout Europe.

Technical support and administration

We provide pro-active surveillance and technical support around the clock, 365 days a year.

One point of contact

You can always count on one dedicated contact person who will make sure things run smoothly.

24/7 surveillance

24-hours surveillance means that should problems arise, we are ready to take action to keep your wind turbines up and running.

QHSE standards

We maintain the highest level of safety with technicians who possess the highest GWO training standards and we live up to maximum quality standards – often even going beyond original specifications as a natural result of our focus on the full life cycle.

Cross-platform service provider

Protecting assets and moving investments

Connected Wind Services offers extensive knowledge and resources. We can help you get the most out of virtually any kind of wind turbine, including brands like:

Siemens / Bonus
Senvion / REpower / HSW / Jacobs / BWU
Fuhrländer FL 70/77
Südwind S 70/77
NEG Micon / Micon

Driven by experience, dedication and flexibility

Connected Wind Services is an Independent Service Provider that works passionately to help you get the best possible yield. Our highly skilled resources, flexible service packages, solid organization and strong local presence provide everything you need.

When it comes to protecting your assets and keeping your wind turbines running, no other Independent Service Provider in the wind industry can match Connected Wind Services in terms of experience, flexible packages and dedication.

Our track record

Wind turbines in service
Service teams

Contact us

Get in touch with your local O&M sales contact or your international sales contact to learn more about what we can do for you or request a quote.

Service & Maintenance

Bo Kirk Damsgaard

Head of Sales
Connected Wind Services Danmark A/S

Jens Ladefoged

Head of Operations
Connected Wind Services Danmark A/S

Emmanuel Schuddinck

Directeur Général
Connected Wind Services France SAS

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